Trey Benton III Rodeo Bull Rider
February 8, 2017

Trey Benton III Rodeo Bull Rider

Trey Benton is a professional bull rider sponsored by Ranch Hand. He has had a successful career so far and has qualified for nationals in every level that he has competed. We interviewed Trey about how he became a bull rider and what challenges he faces, as well as why Ranch Hand products are so essential and well-respected in his line of work.  

What led you to becoming a bull rider?

  “When I was six. I rode a sheep at the PBR finals in Houston. I won the sheep run, and I got hooked. From there, I started out competing on calves when I was seven. You have no vest, chaps, and a cowboy hat! Then is was steers then and junior bulls. I was always pretty good at it so just kept on doing it. My first big win was in the Junior High Nationals. Before that I’d never really been on a bull, I’d just been getting on steers. Think I was 13. I ended up second in the nation. I won the two previous rounds, and then in the final round I got bucked off, but I still won second place because of my two high scores. I made it to nationals again in high school and in college. So I made national level on every level that I’ve ever been.”  

What challenges do you face as a bull rider?

  “Injury is pretty much is the most common. I’ve fractured my eye socket, snapped my femur, and had ACL surgery in both knees. That’s just in my professional career the past six years. It’s been a little rough on me, all while I’ve been in college. I graduated this last May with a degree in Ag Communications. Also, you’re not on a team or anything. It’s just you. It’s an individual sport, and everything relies on you. You don’t have a coach. Without my family, I’d probably not be where I’m at. They’re play a major role. They’re there to help me when the times are good and bad.” 13427747_10153545020296402_7824385465164700996_n

What are your future plans for your career?

  “I’ve got my agriculture degree in my back pocket in case I need it, but I’d like to retire as a bull rider. Most bull riders retire by age 30 to 32, the body kinda gets beaten up by that point, so it’s not not near as fun. You’ve got to be in the 3 percent of elite bull riders out of all the ones in the world, that have made millions of dollars doing it. Not everybody has a million dollar career as a bull rider. It’s not like being a baseball player, or a football player where they’re contacted out at a million a year. It’s tough for a bull rider to get half a million. So that three percent has probably won 3 or 4 million dollars.”  

What advice would you give to someone who wants to become a Professional Bull Rider?

  “If you’re going to do it, be all in. You gotta be all about it. This is something you can’t be half-hearted about and expect to be successful. A lot of guys got talent and stuff, but you’re going against the best bulls in the world at this level.” 12509368727_cc

Do you see a lot of Ranch Hand products in your profession?

“Oh yeah. Everybody pretty much has a truck. They’re usually pulling a trailer, or have a camper on it. They have bumpers for vehicles that don’t usually need them. So they’re used pretty regularly in our line of work. I’d like to say I’ve driven about 2500 miles in the last two weeks, sometimes in the middle of the night, all by myself.”  

What Ranch Hand products do you personally use?

  The front end replacements. They’re good for when you’re on the road. With animals and stuff, going through the mountains, with that front end replacement will definitely keep you safer. I hit a mule deer one night. He had come out on one of those big interstates up there. And luckily I had it on there. I just pulled over, checked that my truck wasn’t dented up, and it wasn’t. So I just rolled on. Without it, I probably would have been stuck on the side of the road, having to order a new radiator. I have a Dodge 3500, and a Toyota Tacoma… and they both have them. My dad and my brother have Ranch Hand bumpers on their trucks, so it’s used throughout the family too.”  

What do you love most about Ranch Hand?

  “Safety would be one, durability, uniformity, and they’re on hand. They’re ready. If you need a bumper that day, they usually have one for any vehicle. I’d say if you were looking to do anything with agriculture, Ranch Hand would be your safest product for a vehicle. You can tell a vehicle is safe when it’s on there. You know if there is a Ranch Hand bumper on the front or not, It’s pretty easy to recognize. They’re shiny, they’re bright, they stand out. When you see a Ranch Hand bumper, you know its a Ranch Hand.”   Trey’s career as a rodeo bull rider may be a dangerous one, but one thing is for sure: Ranch Hand keeps him safe while he’s on the road. He has upcoming shows in Mississippi, Texas, and California and Ranch Hand will be with him all the way. Learn more about how our products can keep you and your family safe on the road.